Say Goodbye to Diabetes!

Cinnamon Effect Reduces Blood Sugar and Fights Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which either insulin levels are disrupted due to insufficient production in the pancreas or the cells do not respond. Existing insulin. Blood sugar levels rise or fall, interfering with the body’s regular metabolism.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. There is no permanent cure for this disease but there are many natural and ayurvedic remedies to control it.

One of them is cinnamon, yes cinnamon has been found to be a perfect cure for diabetes. This is because it stimulates cell receptors, which then respond more quickly to insulin.

Here are some uses of cinnamon for diabetes.

1. Cinnamon is a powerful herb for controlling blood sugar.

2. Studies show that glucose metabolism in fat cells improves 20 times.

3. After studying the use of glucose in g grams of herbs and spices and extracts of some herbs, it was found that cinnamon is the most active.

4. It contains a component called Methyl Hydroxy Chalcon Polymer (MHCP). Which stimulates glucose uptake

5.Scientists. According to scientists, polyphenols in cinnamon have an expression on polymer genes. It activates the insulin receptor of the cell membrane, it increases glucose levels and lowers blood glucose levels, thus increasing the ability of cinnamon cells to absorb glucose.

Increases the effectiveness of insulin and inhibits the growth of bacteria, enhances the complete process of antivirals It lowers triglyceride levels, total cholesterol LDL cholesterol

6. Participate in three groups one, three, six grams of cinnamon/daily. Cinnamon reduced all three layers by 18-29%.

7. 1 g dose triglycerides level

18% reduction – LDL cholesterol

Reduce 7% – Total median

Reduces 12%

8. High doses lower triglycerides and total cholesterol

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